rubber dam

Saturday, April 30, 2005

How Fast Can You Type....

Think you're pretty quick at typing up those class papers, admissions essays, or just regular emails? Take this test and chime in with your results.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Pacific's Summer Term Class Schedule

Anybody who is interested can take a look at the Class of 2008's schedule for Summer Term (starting this July 8th). Looks pretty busy!! Class Schedule Summer Term

I Bet You Can't Stop

Try this out and have fun too. Will you do it long enough to find out if there is something at the end?

A Root Canal Isn't That Bad...

This guy in Bangkok put off seeing his dentist for too long. When he finally went to see the Dentist, he had to get a root canal. In his own words, he says it wasn't that bad. The writer includes a pretty good description of how a root canal is performed.

Scared of the Debt? Try this...

This guy must've been scared of getting into $300,000 of debt--Look what he did.


Check this guy out.

New Comic

hello Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Welcome to my new blog! Check back often to find dental related news and more. If you have any suggestions or things you'd like to add, go right ahead!