rubber dam

Monday, July 18, 2005


Monday, July 18, 2005

Back to school again. Classes started at 8am with OCP. We listened to a one hour lecture on the intraoral and extraoral structures of the head and neck, which was then followed by a 90 minute lecture on how to control infection in the clinic by cleaning our operatories. We went over basic things. At 10:30, we went down the clincs for a tour. Around 11:30, we each had to go through all of the steps to "prep" an operatory so that it was "clean." To do that, you spray everything down, wipe it all up, and then spray it down again. You let the last spray soak for 10 minutes before you wipe up any remaining disinfectant, hence the name "Spray-Wipe-Spray." We were finished by 12:30.

I went to the simlab and worked on 2 preps with my handpieces. I got the pulpal floors really smooth and flat. The walls weren't too shabby either.

When 2pm came, it was back to OCP for another 90 minute lecture on how to take and record vital signs. For every new patient, we have to record pulse and blood pressure. And, if the patient is hypertensive, we have to take their blood pressure more often.

Our last class of the day was "Computers in Dentistry." Basically, a seventh grade "Intro to Computers" class. If you are reading this blog, you would be bored to tears with the material we covered in that class--it is beneath you. Fortunately, except for today, the class is self-study. I hope to pound it out in about 3 hours one night this week.

Tonight, I've been catching up on some reading. Apparently, I could have been "browsing" chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5 of our histology book. Oops. I chaulk it to the fact that our course syllabus is located in 5 different areas--some on paper and some on blackboard. The hardest part of that class is finding out what you need to do in order to come prepared to class. I propose a single syllabus online with links to our assignments. Any takers?


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